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Let Them Eat Cake

The title seems flippant but we see a link between the memory of the French Revolution, a viscious massacre, and the beleagured state of the NHS, there is not much cake glittering on the horizon.

We rectified that and with funding from the Lord MAyor's Community Weekend, we set up our stand opposite St Helier Hospital and gave away free cake! Our flyers in the hospital worked and brought out regular groups of keyworkers, who passed the message on to their colleagues. We think we served about 200 portions of cake! We dropped some off to A&E, the security office and the Maternity wards.

We were honoured to receive the MAyor andMayoress of Sutton, Colin and Sue Spears...St Helier is a place close to their hearts, Sue worked there for 25 years.

Thank you for all your support!

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