Hello Soup Dragons,
Soup#21 is on the 26th less than two weeks away. Our pitchers are busy working out how to say everything they want in just four minutes, soup recipes are being checked, and our preparations are well under way. All you need to do is make a note in your diary and reserve your place.
It still costs just £5 (cash only at the door) and we are really looking forward to seeing you all and sharing another enjoyable evening when we will have a chance to hear from our four pitchers:
Young Lives vs Cancer are a group of social workers based at the Royal Marsden who provide a wide range of support tailored to a family's individual needs. This includes grants, someone to talk to and free accommodation next to the hospital, helping them face everything cancer throws at them. Last year they supported 111 families and gave out 79 grants to help those struggling to meet the basic needs of their sick child. They will be pitching for funds to support young patients and their families going through the toughest of times.younglivesvscancer.org.uk
Wallington Animal Rescue are a husband and wife charity dedicated to the rescuing of domestic animals. They try to meet the increasing need to rescue, foster, and love unwanted, homeless, neglected and abused animals; be they domesticated or wild. They strive to reduce the population of homeless or unwanted animals through providing support and advice for animal welfare and promoting spay/neutering awareness programmes. They are self funding, relying on the generosity of the public to help them and will be asking you to support them so they can continue to save animals in need of help.wallingtonanimalrescue.com/
Jigsaw4u provides a wide variety of services to help 'put the pieces back together'. They reach a wide range of people through their pre and post bereavement counselling, their Jigsaw4u Home School Links provide schools with specialist support practitioners to support their students and parents. They also offer advocacy, care leavers' advice, help with parenting and work with prisoners' families, victims of domestic abuse and young victims of crime. They will be telling us about their projects and asking for your vote to help them continue with their work. jigsaw4u.org.uk/
Team Imagineers deliver arts for wellbeing activities to enhance and improve the lives of children undergoing treatment for cancer at the Royal Marsden who can suffer intensely during their treatment. They run art and dance workshops, supply art packs and more to support mental health and well-being, building stronger communities and offering sustainable support for participants and their families. There is a need for this beneficial work which enables children to better express underlying emotions, develop more effective coping skills, and experience a reduction in adverse side effects. They are seeking much needed funding to continue their work. www.teamimagineers.co.uk/
We are looking forward to hearing more about these four wonderful schemes as well as from the last Soup winners. (although no-one loses at Soup) Heather, from the Sutton Women's Centre will be telling us all about the progress they have made with their cooking classes helping some of the women who use their food bank with basic cooking skills and enabling them to produce healthy and nutritious meals within a budget.
Of course we couldn't bring you Sutton Soup without our regular sponsors Ace Accountancy Services , Donnelly Financial Advice, and our other loyal supporters. The sourdough bread to accompany the soup will again be baked by, our now regular provider, Samuel's Artisan Bakery which has proved very popular indeed.
As we will be meeting on the day after Burns' Night we will be having 'Neeps and Tatties' Soup using our tried and tested recipe, and we will also be selling shortbread. The fresh ingredients will be provided by the ever generous Sainsbury's A very kind local resident – and chef – Nick has offered to do all preparation and make the soup for us for which we are very grateful and are looking forward to tasting his handiwork.
And last but by no means least The London Music Duo, the wonderful Shirley and Graham will once again be providing the music.
We hope you will be there too to help make it a memorable evening.
Just a final reminder that Sutton Soup is a cash only event.
We look forward to seeing you all on the 26th.
All the best,
The Sutton Soup Team