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Creativity is the Art of Well-Being! Team Imagineers support mental health, creativity, build stronger communities, improve environments, consider our social and environmental impact.  
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Team Imagineers, charity since 2016, employs professional artists to deliver well-being, community art workshops by co-creating; with an increasing emphasis on the environment. Some of our skills:




In alphabetical order: Olga Bastable, Simon Honey and Hana Horack-Elyafi are the founding artists; each brings a diverse range of skills and life-experience. We engage 800+ people from diverse communities  in our arts projects a year.

We run creative arts workshops among them: dance, drawing, felting, ceramics. Other workshops are aimed at improving environments by co-designing and co-creating bespoke artworks through public workshops and consultation.


We have worked with hospitals, councils, housing associations, community regeneration projects, individuals and charities. With access to local artists, all with unique experience and abilities, we can tailor projects to suit individual needs.

"Art is wonderfully therapeutic. I was unwell for many years & took up watercolour painting, it was the best medicine & I have met some lovely people."

In our community arts engagement projects,  we have engaged and co-created work with people who are isolated and lonely, those who are disadvantaged e.g. low income, refugees,  vulnerable adults and SEND, young people with Cancer, Women at risk of domestic abuse, BAME, Elders, children, young people including young people in care and people with mental health problems.  This has been at housing estates, high streets, youth clubs, community venues, popular community festivals and events, schools, hospitals, in parks and outdoor spaces.


Permanent Co-Created Public Art Works in date order:

Sutton Women's Centre Murals (2018, ongoing): They currently have two ceramic murals that we helped their clients make. We ran several workshops to come up with ideas for ceramic tiles, which we then fired in our kiln. We aim to run another workshop to complete the longer mural with a painted background that connects the elements. 

PROW15 Sustainability Mural September, 2024. This is our favourite project to date which we painted in miraculously sunny weather, over 12 days.  We ran 8 workshops in March 2024, working with at least 500 people, from all parts of Sutton's diverse community. They contributed their ideas and from these we designed the 100 square metre mural. To paint it we used 100% Eco-mineral paints. The mural is a wonderful success, that has a truly uplifting effect, visit it here.

Ceramic Mosaic Coat of Arms made by Hana Horack-Elyafi, 2023, to celebrate the village's 900th centenary. With community members, around 2,000 tiles were handmade specially for the project. This mosaic is in Germany, in the village of Hedeper.

Mosaic Bench, for International Women's Day, March 2022. Our artist, Hana Horack-Elyafi was asked by Samia Tossio to co-design and create this bench for Sutton Council. Samia and Hana ran mosaic making workshops and made the bench using glass mosaic and resin. It stands on site in Sutton, opposite Waterstones Bookshop, under the giant wall mosaic. You can read more about it on the Wikipedia page.

Everyday Heroes Memorials, ceramic communty co-created work installed at:

Royal Surrey Hospital in Guildford and the Royal Marsden Hospital, Sutton; Dr George Rice Community Garden, Sutton, installed in 2022; on the walls of  Sutton Women’s Centre, and on the walls of Great Carlton Village Hall, Lincolnshire, 2021. Started in 2019, during Covid Lockdown we devised a secure, art project, that helped people feel less isolated.  At 8 hubs people could socially distanced, to pick up clay, take it home sculpt a heart, then return it to the hub to be delivered to us for firing. The project was called ‘Everyday Heroes' and celebated key workers. These ceramics hearts became some of our ceramic public art works above. 

The 201 Names of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was co-created over two years, 2017 to 2019, by Hana, with hundreds of women and children and hangs in a mosque in Feltham. They wet-felted Merino wool, needle felted the names in black silk and added decoration using Angelina fibres. The finished work is 4.5 metres long by 1.7 metres high. It can be seen here. Prior to this project, she also worked with the community to make the 99 Beautiful Names of God, using the ame techniques. This art work can be seen at the same venue. The venue is open to the public.

St Helier Hospital, ceramic mural on Ward B3. 2017. A series of roundels made on the stroke unit were used to decorate the walls of a ward that's used for elderly people waiting to go home.

St Helier Hospital painted glass bathing a communal area of the Stroke unit in rainbow colours and hiding an ugly view from the window, ceramics on a Elderly patients ward walls. 2016. Some years after installing, this artwork fell foul of hospital development when a new liftshaft was put in.

Temporary co-created installations and exhibitions include:

Fuchsia Project Exhibitions, Gallery exhibitions of participants felted and ceramic work. We worked with about 300 people on this project.


Plastic Pollution and the Seas, a co-created beach made using reused plastic e.g. plastic bottle palm trees and play sand. Highlighting plastic pollution in our seas for Sutton Central Library, gallery space, as a cultural commission. Working with 180 people in the library.

Sukkot Festival in Hamburg: Olga Bastable and Hana Horack-Elyafi have supported the Liberal Jewish Community in Hamburg with their Sukkot Festival for 3 years running. Hana created the Sukkot Tent by felting, printing and dyeing muslin, using natural, foraged plants. Olga created Malevich inspired Black prayer box and conceptual square opening in the tent roof. See the video here.


Willow work in Sutton parks and Sutton Life Centre.


Giant Drawings combining dance and white line markers in Beddington Park. 


Living Compasses 200 square metre drawing workshop on the floor of the now demolished Wallington Hall, partners acted as compasses to draw the Flower of Life pattern.

Pre 2015, as an arts collective, Team Imagineers we delivered:

H20 Festival, celebrating water as a life-giving essential. Made giant whales, dolphins, fish, Pirate puppets out of willow and tissue paper. We made a snooker table swallowing octopus out of junk and engaged 7,000 people in a borough-wide arts festival involving artists from all-over Sutton. Which won us a communty award.

ACE funded Conference of the Birds commission with artists and writers in a team including National Portfolio organisations, Apples and Snakes, Spread the Word. Design of soundscapes /incidental sound, and shadow/giant puppets. Live performance & projections for theatrical performance. Work with 3 schools, culminating in street theatre and theatre performance.


Our qualifications and key solo commissions and experience:


Simon Honey: Central St Martins (Print & Photomedia BA). Chelsea College of Art  (Public Art & Design MA). 


  • Millennium Volunteers video project facilitator/trainer, our ‘Shoplifting’ video was in countrywide demand by Youth Outreach Teams. 

  • Arts/Cultural representative for Sutton at Copenhagen Cultural Capital City of Europe. Performance art/Slides projected onto the Danish TV building. 

  • Project manager Multi-media Installation/performance. 

  • Digital Outreach Worker, Digital Arts Commission, Gunpowder Park, Lee Valley Regional Park Authority. First commissioned artist residency for a new park of regional & international significance. Working  with and  engaging with diverse local communties from the four surrouding borughs

  • 3 month resident video artist, documenting residents ideas of improvements for the Wormley Estate. An Area perception project funded by GreenHearts partnership, Broxbourne Borough Council and ACE. 

  • Big Lottery funded residency with Clusters disability group. Video editing tutor, Audio stories editor/ recorder.  

  • LB of Sutton Self Directed Support DVD producer/editor.  

  • 3 years employment as a communty artist within housing Action trust, Popular HARCA. Delivering work and engaging residents in projects over 3 housing estates.


Olga Bastable

(Moscow State Architectural Academy; Artist; Biodanza; Neurographics)

  • Festival organiser annual Spring/Summer/Winter Festivals.

  • Sukkot Festival Hamburg, arts activities and creative direction

  • Teaching arts/drawing/puppet making/neurographics

  • Project director ‘400th Anniversary of Romanov Royal Russian family in London’, funded Heritage Lottery, £50,000.

  • £200,000 funding for cultural projects, National Lottery and local funders. Produced the documentary ‘Following the steps of the Tsars in London.’

  • Magazines/newspapers & children books Illustrator (Time Out, Times Educational Supplement, Sunday Times). 

Hana Horack-Elyafi

(BSc Anthropology, MA Islamic Societies & Cultures, MA Art & Architecture)

  • Exhibited, Royal Academy of Arts and ING Discerning Eye.

  • Botanical printing and natural dyes

  • Community projects: set designs and light boxes, felting, ceramics.

  • 4.5m x1.75m community artwork felted artworks 

  • Community installations, ceramic murals, painted glass windows, mural painting, mosaic.

Team Imagineers Data Collection & Privacy Statement  


Team Imagineers is a Community Interest Organisation/Charity (Charity number 1170434).


Trustees are responsible for administering the group’s activities in line with a written constitution.


Team Imagineers understands that privacy and the security of your personal information is extremely important.


Because of that, this policy sets out what we do with your information and what we do to keep it secure. It also explains where and how we collect your personal information, as well as your rights over any personal information we hold about you.


What information do we collect from you?
We may collect personal information about you when you contact us regarding any aspect of our work e.g. projects, volunteering, workshops, events, bookings,
enquiries, or fill out an evaluation form. We will ensure that we only collect enough information in order to ensure we provide the appropriate service, and which is reasonable and fair. The legal basis for processing your personal information is usually your consent for information such as: emails, address, phone number, name, feedback and comments,


This could be provided by: forms, social media, email, on our website, or text message.


We may use information you give us to:


  • Monitor our projects, report to people who fund our work or future funders as anonymised information (we won’t use your name)

  • Understand more about you, meet your needs and improve what we do.

  • Conduct market research, either ourselves or with reputable agencies

  • Help answer your questions and solve any issues you have.

  • Send you a newsletter (email only), tell you about other events or workshops that we run.

  • We may use your phone number to: contact you about Team Imagineers, events which you are involved in when we cannot reach you in a timely way by other means.


You can opt out from all emails by contacting us at please use ‘OPT OUT EMAILS’ as the email subject.


How we will ensure your information is kept safe

We take security measures to protect your information including:

  • Firewalls, and secure passwords, to data stored in google docs, or on computers Team Imagineers uses.;

  • never asking to share passwords;

  • limiting access to paper-based information to only those who need to see it.


Your rights:


Your information will be kept online and in some instances a paper copy may be kept securely,  e.g. from feedback forms at events. You have the right at any time to ask the Trustees to provide a written copy of your details, to make changes, or partially remove details from our records, you have the right for your details to be removed upon request.  We will comply with any requests within 30 days. Please contact the Trustees by email at


Third parties:


The group will utilize third party services for storage and backup of data, and for sending emails, where we can be assured that data remains under our control and is processed in a secure and private fashion. However, we will not share your contact details with anyone else without your explicit instruction.


How we share your information

We will not disclose your personal information to any organisation or person outside Team Imagineers without your consent except:


  • to help prevent fraud, and if required to do so by law


Last updated 8th of August 2023

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Team Imagineers  Safeguarding Policy : Adults & Children at Risk of Harm & Checklist


  • We give immediate attention to any complaints or concerns relating to young people, adults at risk of harm our volunteers and the agencies we work with.

  • Our named person for dealing with concerns or allegations of abuse is  Gay Mcdonagh  a Trustee and if she is absent then contact  Zainab Shamis (a Trustee)                                                                                                                                                                    

  • We are a registered charity, and work with all ages. We are committed to providing safe environments for children, young people, adults at risk and our volunteers (who may be under 18) to enable them to work together safely.

  • We will ensure that the delivery of our services is safe and sensitive through good management, supervision and risk assessment.

  • Team Imagineers is committed to the protection of all young people and adults at risk of harm, from harm and abuse.

  • We work within ideal child and adult protection procedures.

  • Team Imagineers  provides training to volunteers to recognise signs and symptoms of abuse where there is no disclosure.

  • Children and adults at risk of harm are given copies of our Child protection and Adult policy 

  • There is a separate whistle blowing policy for children and adults at risk of harm

  • Volunteers will be always supervised by a person with a DBS check. 

  • All of our persons in charge of sessions and all artists are DBS checked 




Abuse: broadly, any act or failure to act which results in a significant breach of human rights, civil liberties, bodily integrity or general well-being, whether intended or inadvertent, including sexual relationships or financial transactions to which that person has not validly consented or which are deliberately exploitative. Bullying is also abuse, it can include taking a person’s things, name calling and making racist comments. 


Young people: those up to the age of 18


Adults at risk of harm: those who are in need of community care services because of disability, illness or age or are otherwise unable to take care of or protect themselves. In addition, certain specific groups are particularly vulnerable to abuse and Team Imagineers  volunteers are made aware of these in a safeguarding induction. In addition Team Imagineers  has a responsibility to prevent abusing by young people whose behaviour puts others at risk. But it is noted that many young people do not fit neatly into categories, for example they may be both abusers and victims of abuse.


Whistle blowing

An open and publicised way in which employees, children and vulnerable adults can voice concerns about abusive and unethical conduct within Team Imagineers  without fear of retribution


Identifying and Reporting Abuse


Research indicates that abuse past and present mainly comes to light as a result of disclosure. If this happens Team Imagineers representative/volunteer/artist will:


  • Listen non- judgementally and will not actively seek more details than are necessary to find out whether they should act in the interests of the young person’s or vulnerable adult’s safety.

  • Record, sign and date a note of what has been disclosed as soon as possible, quoting the young person’s or vulnerable adult’s actual words as far as possible.

  • Make clear to the disclosing young person or adult at risk of harm that information must be passed on immediately to Social Services. Even if the disclosing young person or vulnerable adult asks that information be kept confidential the Team Imagineers  employee must explain that there are limits to confidentiality particularly if there is a protection issue. If it appears that a crime has been committed a referral may be made directly to the police.  Wherever possible the Team Imagineers  employee should consult with their line manager before referral to Social services or the Police.

  • Consult with their manager about what to do if the disclosure is from a person over 18 who is not a vulnerable adult.

  • Do Not alert the alleged perpetrator to the existence or nature of the disclosure.

Report your concern to the Trustees: Gay McDonagh, Zainab Shamis or  Larisa Yakimova 


The Care Act (2014) now makes the reporting of abuse of adults at risk, statutory. In the case of an adult at risk, report the  concern to Sutton Council's Adults and Safeguarding Referral Point on 020 8770 4565, or You can call after 5pm.


Safeguarding now includes the Statutory Duty to prevent Terrorism (2015). Although we do not, in law, have to report any such suspicions to the police/ LB Sutton Prevent team, it could be a child protection concern if a family with children has become radicalised. It therefore, becomes a child protection issue and we do have to report it. Similarly if we become aware that an adult at risk has become, or is in danger of being radicalised then we must report it. 




Exceptions to the general rules about confidentiality will include situations where a young person or adult at risk of harm lacks the capacity to make their own decisions and/or to consent to helpful interventions. However information will usually be shared on a strict “need to know” basis.


The law rarely provides an absolute barrier to disclosure and volunteers should be prepared to exercise their judgement. Where a volunteers has not yet taken training in Child Protection, best judgement must be used meanwhile.


If a Team Imagineers  volunteer feels they are hindered by a lack of information from other agencies or there is a conflict of interest, or if there is a need to take action against a young person who is a danger to his/herself or others, then he/she should consult their manager in the first instance.


Safe Professional Conduct


Some behaviour is never acceptable and is classified as gross misconduct. At Team Imagineers a sexual relationship with a young person or vulnerable adult will be considered an act of gross misconduct.


There are further areas where informality and professional conduct need to be balanced such as:

  • How volunteers dress

  • Their availability outside office hours

  • Their disclosure of personal information

  • How volunteers deal with aggressive behaviour

  • Whether or not to accompany a young person with or without a disability to the toilet

  • Whether a male/female volunteers member should meet or be with a young person of the opposite sex/ vulnerable adult without other adults present


Codes of conduct are developed within Team Imagineers through discussion and new members or volunteers  are asked to take a lead from their colleagues in how to manage personal boundaries and professional norms.  It has been agreed that:

  • Volunteers will be available only during Team Imagineers projects/ workshop hours. Volunteers should not arrange to meet other Team Imagineers members/ vunerable adults out of those hours. 

  • Where appropriate, young people (if under 18) or adult at risk of harm will be accompanied by a parent or other responsible person.  It is inappropriate for a male/female volunteers to meet with a young person or vulnerable adult of the same or opposite sex without other adults present and it is not appropriate to meet young people/ a vulnerable adult in their home.

  • The written consent of parents will be sought for any young people (under 18) placed in voluntary placements within other organisations.  

  • Volunteers will not meet with young people under the age of 16 unless the individual(s) is (are) accompanied at all times by their parent(s), guardian or school teacher, responsible for the safety of the child.

  • Volunteers will use their best judgement regarding disclosure of personal information. Volunteers' home telephone numbers, mobile phone numbers and e-mail addresses will not be given to young people or vulnerable adults unless agreed with a manager.

  • It is not appropriate to push, pull or hold or restrain a young person / vulnerable adult who is displaying physically or verbally aggressive behaviour unless they are physically hurting or at risk of physically hurting another person or themselves. All incidents involving aggressive behaviour will be recorded and signed by the volunteer or Trustee who deals with or witnessness the incident. 

  • It is not appropriate to accompany a young person/ vulnerable adult with or without a disability to the toilet.


See Checklist below:




The first indication that a child’s or adult at risk’s welfare may be in danger is not necessarily the presence of an injury. Concerns may be aroused by:


  • Bruises or other marks on the face or body.

  • Remarks made by the vulnerable adult, a parent, another adult, a carer.

  • Observations of the child’s /vulnerable adult’s behaviour or reactions.

  • Unexplained changes in the child’s / vulnerable adult’s behaviour or personality.

  • Evidence of disturbance or explicit detail in a vulnerable adults, drawing or writing.

  • Neglect.


The role of individual volunteers.


  • Concerns about a child/ young person/adult at risk of harm must be discussed with a manager immediately so that if necessary, a referral can be made without delay. In urgent situations, referral must not be delayed.

  • Individual volunteers must not investigate concerns. This is the role of the statutory agencies. 


What to do when a child/ adult at risk of harm has disclosed an incident of abuse to you:


  • Listen – do not ask questions or interrogate.

  • Remain calm – if you are shocked, upset or angry the child/vulnerable adult will sense this and this may prevent them from talking further.

  • Reassure – the child has done nothing wrong – tell him/ her it is alright to talk.

  • Do not promise to keep it a secret –tell the child/ vulnerable adult that what they have said cannot be kept secret and that you will tell someone who can help.

  • Report the disclosure to your manager immediately.

  • Where there are suspicions/ allegations of sexual abuse, you should contact the named person.

  • Do Not alert the alleged perpetrator to the existence or nature of the disclosure

  • In cases of possible neglect or emotional abuse, the concern is likely to have built up over a period of time. There may have been discussion with the family about sources of help (e.g. Community Services), but if concerns persist, there must be a referral to Social Services.

  • In cases where a physical injury causes concern, it may be appropriate to discuss this with the parent or carer. If the explanation suggests the injury was non-accidental (or a failure to protect the child from harm), the Team Imagineers  employee should discuss with their line manager how best to inform the parent or carer that Team Imagineers  will and must refer the matter to Social Services.

  • Remember! If in doubt, consult. Do not ignore concerns, even if these are vague. Your first responsibility is to the child/ vulnerable adult.


As soon as you can, write down your concerns. Record facts accurately stating clearly when you are expressing an opinion and what your opinion is based on. These notes must be given to your manager or another designated person immediately and will help to ensure accuracy in recalling events.


The record should contain:


  • Your name and title:

  • Name of the child/adult

  • Parent’s/carer’s names

  • The child’s/adult’s address

  • Relevant phone numbers

  • Where and when the disclosure happened

  • Where and when the alleged abuse happened

  • What is said to have happened and/or what was seen and by whom

  • Who else witnessed the disclosure and the alleged abuse:

  • What was said by those involved:

  • Whether there was any actual physical evidence e.g. bruises, bleeding, changed behaviour

  • Who has been told about it, (including the of the name of manager).

  • The name of the Social worker that this incident has been reported to.

  • Please remember that although this incident may have been upsetting for you, a child’s/adult’s welfare is still at risk.

  • We understand that you may need to talk and to share your thoughts and feelings with someone sympathetic but we must ask you to continue to protect the child/adult by omitting anything that might reveal the child’s/adult’s identity and to never refer to the child/adult by name in public or private discussion.

  • Youth workers should assist local authority Social Services or the Police when these agencies are making enquiries about the welfare of children.

  • Information about a child/adult must therefore be shared on a ‘need to know’ basis.

  • When requests for information about children/young people/vulnerable adult, are received by telephone, always maintain security by checking the telephone listing before you answer any questions at all. You must then tell the manager / designated person for safeguarding and be given permission to call them back to answer their questions.

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